Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Moving Onward

Dear Friends,

About two years ago, a group of Grace parishioners formed The Mission Congregation of Grace Church. Their goal was to discover what God might want us to do. They wanted to discover Grace's mission through trial and error.

Over these two years the Mission Congregation has studied scripture and other writings together, worked through the book "Listening Hearts" on discernment, and brought into being the Labyrinth, the 8:00 a.m. "Service" Service, the Outdoor Service, First Wednesdays, and the monthly Mission Study and Service Eucharist. They brought to the awareness of the congregation ministries to Malta House and the New Day Center. The people who so faithfully met, along with the Vestries of these intervening years, those who gather monthly for Practicing Prayer, and the Steering Committee have been the mainstay of support for ministry at Grace with Iglesia Betania.

One of the Mission Congregation's most valuable lessons was to try things and learn to let go of those things that no longer work or which have fulfilled their purpose. The purpose of Mission Congregation has been fulfilled.

The work now continues through Practicing Prayer (second Sundays at 11:30 a.m.) and the Shawl Ministry (first and third Saturdays at 10:30 a.m.) Those who gathered yesterday spent their time together honoring what had been accomplished and what can be continued through other avenues. A simple Eucharist ended our last gathering, as we had always done.

Give thanks to the Lord, who is good, whose mercy endures forever. May God's blessing continue through our growing relationship with Iglesia Betania; through the increase of our spiritual growth through Practicing Prayer; through our fellowship, conversations and work together over our growing prayer shawl ministry; and in our worship and life together as God's people.

Lois Keen

In the near future this blog will be revamped for a new purpose. We'll keep you posted.
-- The Webmaster

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