Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 4 the Bible Challenge - from Rev Lois Keen's journal

Today was the fourth day of my keeping the Bible Challenge. I am reading straight through, as much or as little as works for me on a given day, beginning with Genesis. On day four I was reading about Isaac and Rebekah and found that Isaac did the same thing his father, Abraham, did twice. Twice Abraham passes Sarah off as his sister when he is in foreign parts so men won't kill him in order to take his wife. Both times he is found out, but still lives. Isaac does the same, passing his wife off as his sister.

At least Abraham was partly right. Sarah was his half-sister as well as his wife, so he wasn't really lying. But Rebekah and Isaac are - oh dear, who can figure this family - cousins? Anyway, he lied.

Some families never learn from the mistakes of the past.

1 comment:

Jeffri Harre said...

I'm still playing catch up, so today I read the two versions of God's covenant with Abraham that bracket the conception of Ishmael. So God tells Hagar to go back to an abusive situation????