Monday, February 27, 2012

Bible Challenge 2012: How's It Going?

Where are you in your reading?

What's been your experience so far?

What has surprised you?


Barbara said...

I am reading the chronological version. It is going slowly. That is because my OT reading is in the Goshen Bible and there is a LOT of annotation and explanation worth reading. AND I am honoring the beauty of the Biblical text. AND I am not reading every day. It may take longer than a year but I am thinking that is more than okay.

Jeffri Harre said...

I've just finished Leviticus and started Chronicles.

What surprised me: There's so much talk in churches these days about how faulty the institution is, yet God set up an institution! Complete with detailed rituals. And set it up so that people would fail. Sheesh.

Barbara said...

It is the SCHOCKEN Bible that I am reading. Don't know how I got that mixed up.

Lois Keen said...

I started reading The Message and then I switched to the Annotated NRSV. I'm reading consecutively, beginning with Genesis. I'm now 9 chapters into Joshua, and have read Psalms through 78. I'll go back and begin the Psalms again when I'm through them.

Today I was more than usually horrified at the story in Joshua of the one man who kept some of the booty from the destruction of Ai and not just he was stoned and burned but his children and wives and his whole household. And God is given credit for that.

The command by God that all the people in all the conquered cities are to be slaughtered is gross. But that story of a man, who is named, and whose lineage is included, becomes specific in a frightening way. Brrrrr...